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Socially Sustainable Services

A course with SDN Acc. Master Milla Mäkinen

Early-bird Tickets end: Aug 18, 2024

Registration deadline: Sept 18, 2024


Dates:  September 18, 2024


Hours: 03:00 to 06:00 PM CEST (GMT+2)
Convert this to your local time zone




Course level:


Location: Zoom

Platform details will be shared with course registrants prior to course


Milla Mäkinen (she/her)
SDN Acc. Master

Milla_kuva_2020_Hannika_Photography - Milla Mäkinen.jpg

Course Description

The world is dealing with more and more complex problems that are viciously entangled with each other. In this context, service designers need to consider how to enhance ecological, economic, and social sustainability through their work. Social sustainability is at the core of service design, in particular in times where societies are shaking and services themselves become more and more complex. But what is social sustainability, and how does it relate to service design? How can we design socially sustainable services? The webinars will provide a peek into socially sustainable service design and an opportunity to reflect on the role and tools of service design through the social sustainability lens.


Course Learning Objectives: 

What you will learn:

  • Getting clarity on what is socially sustainable design and how it can be applied to service design.

  • Discover concrete ideas on how to design socially sustainable services as a service design practitioner.



High-level agenda

The agenda will be based on how to apply the service design framework for social sustainability. How can we create socially sustainable services? The attendees will be guided through reflecting on the question through lectures, real-life cases, and testing together.



Financial Inclusion

We, as the Service Design Network, support financial inclusion as part of our DEI mission (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), based on the World Bank clusters. So, if you think you are eligible, please contact us at

High income


Full training fee


Upper middle​


Receive 25% discount​

on the training fee

Lower middle​


Receive 50% discount

on the training fee

Low income


Receive 75% discount

on the training fee


"Services do not necessarily contribute to societies in the way that they were originally intended, by providing help or helpful acts. For example, some services, such as food delivery services, may meet a customer's need to have food delivered quickly and directly to their home.


But at the same time we know that they can contribute to inequality in the labour market because of the precarious working conditions of the deliverers, and even contribute negatively to the lives of customers from a social point of view, by making it easier for them to stay at home instead of, for example, walking to the nearest restaurant, which can provide a meaningful social event accompanied by a walk, something we know we should do more of nowadays in order to stay healthy.


Service designers should be more aware of all the social impacts of their work and be the voice of the social impact of the projects they deliver..."

Milla Mäkinen
SDN Accredited Master






*Early Bird deadline: Aug 18, 2024
*Registration deadline: Sept 18, 2024

Further questions? Don't hesitate to reach out to us below:

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